DeaDBeeF for Nokia N900

This is an unofficial port of DeaDBeeF music player for Nokia N900 mobile phone.


All information here is provided as a courtesy and intended for reference use only. Using it is at own risk; no warranty of any kind is expressed or implied. The author of this page cannot be held liable for any damage caused by following the advice given, using the links provided or using the software mentioned on this page.


This is work in progress. When the port is more mature, I will upload debian packages to, but for now the packages can be found here.

First you need to install Libsamplerate and libmad. The can be downloaded from, here:, and

Then you need debian package for DeadBeef. You can find it here. Install the debian package with dpkg.

Now you can start DeaDBeeF from menu or from commandline with /opt/deadbeef/bin/deadbeef.

N900 version differences


Known problems:


Sun Oct 24 17:15:04 2010 +0300 - Added libmad0 dependency (deadbeef_0.4.2-2_armel.deb)
Sat Oct 23 14:31:28 2010 +0300 - Provided debian package and compiled in ogg support (deadbeef_0.4.2-1_armel.deb)
Fri Oct 22 22:53:42 2010 +0300 - Maemo: Fixed DeaDBeef shutting down after 90 secs when started from menu


Modifications to the official source can be found on my github page, here


DeaDBeeF can be compiled easily in scratchbox development environment. Just clone my branch, run, configure, make and make install. My configure args are these:

./configure --prefix=/opt/deadbeef --enable-maemo --disable-oss --disable-alsa --disable-nullout

petteri gmail com
Last modified: Sun Oct 24 17:19:23 EEST 2010